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Technological Positioning

A technological patent report is particularly useful for, amongst other things, identifying new commercial niches in different territories or business areas, identifying strategic changes to the competitive environment, analysing the level of interest for an emerging technology, or filtering out those technological areas with greater potential for development of new products or lines of research.


Knowledge of the technology environment allows for a company’s position in the market to be established in respect of its competitors, which becomes an essential tool in steering the commercial and R&D strategies in the most suitable direction.


To find out about the current situation in a specific technology sector, as well as its growth prospects, there can be no doubt that information about patent publications is a key instrument. Patents are the most exhaustive and reliable documentary base to know first-hand what the novelties and new trends are that take place in a specific field of technology. They can provide very valuable information about competitors’ R & D strategies or about the competitive potential of patented technologies.

To conduct an effective search of patent literature, it is essential to rely upon an information system which enables detection of the most significant documents for a specific sector or competitor.


Our team of patent experts has access to public and private databases containing over 80 million documents worldwide.


Once the search results are available, PONTI & PARTNERS technical-legal team analyses and processes the information gathered and converts it into valuable knowledge for the client in the form of a final Technological Positioning report. This report will include all the information related to the study: from its objectives, to the search criteria used, the analysis methodology used, charts and statistics and the conclusions together with a final assessment about possible actions to be taken in each case.

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